Superbalist UX Audit| The journey to finding a pair of All Stars.

Robert Mwanza
2 min readMar 30, 2021
Image by Kris Gerhard


Since the lockdown in 2020, I started to really embrace online shopping. My team spoke highly of the Superbalist app and the variety their catalog has. Since then I have bought furniture, shoes, and clothes from them and do not see that changing anytime soon. Although I have enjoyed the user-friendly, functionally sound, and aesthetically pleasing app — I have found myself frustrated with some processes/functionality on the app. So in the true nature of a UX designer, I decided to do a UX audit of the process of searching for a product on the application to see what I can uncover from it.

Use Case:

I decided to evaluate the process of searching for an item/product. In my case searching by All Star to explore the process. My goal was to evaluate what the process is, how quickly I can find the type of All-Star I was looking for, and what functionality exists on the application to aid my search.

The Approach:

The UX Audit is divided into two phases. The first is the documentation of my journey on the app, using screenshots to show the process I went through. The second part is the analysis of the process, evaluating each step I went through by using Customer Goals, Customer Actions, Customer Expectation, Customer Experience, Evaluation, and lastly Considerations as a framework for the analysis.

Customer Journey:

My journey through the app


Analysis of the journey

Final remarks:

The overall experience of the search process is straightforward. I eventually found what I was looking for, with a few hiccups on the way. A few recommendations I would make to the Superbalist team:

  • Have the product page be the first primary Call To Action (CTA), instead of the articles page.
  • There is inconsistency in the way products are labeled, which affects the ability to search for products.
  • Do not display product types that are not relevant to the searched item.
  • Streamline the filtering process (where possible).

